our safeguarding commitment

INEQE Group Ltd is committed to ensuring that all children and young people are protected from harm and exploitation and are able to thrive and grow. This is especially so for children and young people, and adults at risk who come into contact with our business.

Our culture is built upon a Safeguarding First approach in everything we do. As such, the company has a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse.

Our commitment for safer recruitment extends to all staff, whether full or part-time and includes all associates with whom the company engage from time to time.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and all of our staff are required to adhere to this commitment and to strictly comply with our safeguarding and other relevant policies.

Any breach of this commitment will be treated as gross misconduct under our Code of Conduct.

Employees will be expected to:

  • Read and be familiar with our policies and procedures.
  • Be able to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse.
  • Know who they should make reports to if you have concerns about a child or young person, or adult at risk.

To enable staff to fulfil these commitments, the Company will provide its staff with access to relevant professional development opportunities. This includes, but is not limited to CPD accredited Level 1 Safeguarding training.