A Message from our CEO
One of the key lessons I have learnt from the many reviews I have been involved in is this, a safeguarding first philosophy must be about more than mere rhetoric.
It is something that should be reflected in every safeguarding action and reaction.
In my experience, it is evidenced by an approach that relentlessly asks and reflects on the questions that matter; is this environment as safe as it can be, how do we know it is, have we identified and mitigated risks, and critically, do we see, hear, and help every child in our care?
Our school Safeguarding Ecosystem is designed to address these issues, reflect your priorities and provide you with the insights and updates that will enable you to educate, empower and protect your pupils, your school, and your reputation.
This system supports a safeguarding first approach to help you sustain a school
community where young people can learn, live and thrive.

Jim Gamble QPM
Chief Executive Officer
INEQE Safeguarding Group