When it comes to safeguarding children, we know that standing still is falling behind. That is why we invest in staying up to date for you.
Our specialist teams monitor safeguarding news and alerts in real time. They gather feedback from our partners on the issues they face and capture the lessons emerging from local, national and international reviews of safeguarding practice.
All of our course content is subject to a robust quality assurance process, overseen and informed by our in-house counsel (the former Head of Legal at CEOP) and an editorial panel comprising local authority, education and other safeguarding professionals.
Director of Safeguarding, Sarah Bloomer, talks about her experience on our courses
Safeguarding for Individuals
Each course is designed to help you develop your existing skills and abilities as well as to provide you with a credible insight into emerging trends and themes. If you work with children, young people or vulnerable adults we have a course that will both challenge, educate and empower you.
Safeguarding for Education
We provide tailored learning for Safeguarding Leads, teachers, parents, carers and school staff. Our training for schools helps to develop resilience, confidence in pathways for help against online harms and promotes an active and collaborative learning environment where the whole community can flourish.
As an Approved Centre with ILM we offer specialist qualifications in leadership and management, helping organisations gain the best leadership skills possible through trusted, quality assured training.
Many of our courses carry Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accreditation, providing you reassurance that the training meets a widely recognised benchmark.
If your local authority, school or charity are insured by Zurich Municipal you are entitled to FREE safeguarding Apps and discounts on training courses and safeguarding reviews. Call +44 (0) 2890 232 060 to check if you qualify.
All training has been specifically configured to enhance your learning experience.
“Most people now live in a converged world; the context of their lives driven by offline and online experiences and influences.
The pace of change in this digital world means safeguarding professionals who stand still, rapidly fall behind. Whilst internet enabled technology provides challenges it also offers opportunities to communicate, work and learn together.
Most of us have seen the benefits of pivoting to digital during the COVID-19 pandemic. We now know that it is possible to engage real learning in virtual environments.”
– Jim Gamble QPM
CEO, Ineqe Safeguarding Group