Cyber Security Advanced – Webinar

This CPD certified intermediate-level course is specifically tailored to schools, aiming to deepen your understanding of cyber security beyond the basics. It will expand your knowledge of cyber threats, security measures, and incident mitigation, all within the context of educational institutions. Gaining proficiency in cyber security is crucial for fostering discussions that promote heightened awareness and enhancing your school’s training, policies, and procedures.

Learning Objectives

  • Advanced Threat Awareness: Enhance your comprehension of diverse cyber threats, including sophisticated malware, phishing, and emerging risks.
  • Strengthening Organisational Defences: Implement advanced security strategies tailored to your organisations unique needs to safeguard digital assets and protect students and staff.
  • Identifying Specific Attack Vectors: Acquire expertise in recognising different types of cyber attacks that may target institutions and understand their methodologies.
  • Effective Incident Response: Improve your ability to respond swiftly and effectively to potential cyber dangers, minimising disruption to business and administrative functions.

Please Note: If you are booking this training on behalf of someone else, please contact us on 02890 232 060 to inform us of the name of the attendee. Failure to do so may result in them not being admitted to the session.