Last Updated on 28th September 2023
Date Published: 14th May, 2021
A study taken in 2020 showed that 72% of parents don’t understand gaming jargon used by their children. It’s important to understand what these words mean, as some of them can be violent or dangerous. We’ve compiled a cheat sheet of the most common words used by the gaming community and what they mean to help you go from “N00b” to “1337.”

SUS – Sus is simply short for the word suspector suspicious. So, anyone who seems to have the potential to be an impostor is most definitely sus and you should let everyone know.
Vents – (or holes depending on the map) can be found throughout all three of the maps. They allow the Impostor to quickly jump inside and move between a designated set of rooms.
Elec – Elec is short for electrical, which refers to a section on the most popular map, The Skeld.
Throwing – If you walk past an impostor mid-kill, but didn’t notice and keep going, then you’re throwing.
Third Imposter – Third Impostor is used as a subtle dig at someone who is not being a very good crewmate.

Blox – To kill a player in a Roblox game.
Bloxxed – When a player’s health reaches zero and the player’s Robloxian falls apart.
Robloxian – A player’s character in Roblox.
Brick Battle – A fight using Roblox’s classic weapon tools.
Builder’s Club – An in-game purchase that gives more benefits.
Plox – Please.
Robux – This is Roblox’s in-game currency, purchased by real money.

V-Bucks – Fortnite’s internal currency. V-Bucks can be used to purchase things such as weapons, weapon skins and new clothing. V-Bucks can also be built up within the game without having to add a credit card, contributing to the addictive nature of the game.
Emote – An emote is a way to animate your character to show your emotion. E.g. you can make your character dab or blow kisses.
Skins – These are outfits that change the cosmetic appearance of your character/avatar. There are rarer skins that only appear at specific times of the year such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter.
Dub – Dub is a common word used for getting a win in Fortnite.
Double Pump – Double pump used to be a quite powerful technique to take down enemies in the game.

Bertha – Sometimes known as Big Bertha or shortened to Bertha, this refers to the Cargo Trucks found around the island.
Tagged – This is when you’ve hit someone a little and broken their shield, but not enough to crack/kill them.
Self-rev – A short-hand version of self-revive, a more phonetically pleasing adaptation of self-resurrection.
Flanking – When you take a side path (either left or right) to confront the enemy.
Camping – This is when a player will hide in a discreet place, for example a corner of a building and await players coming in.

Biomes – Areas of the Minecraft world with different terrain, eg. jungle, desert etc.
Creeper – In-game characters that sneak up on players and explode causing damage.
Spelunking – Exploring caves to mine resources.
Steve – The basic male default skin in the game, Steve is the name of the playable character that gamers control.
Mobs – Short for mobile or monsters. Creatures created by Minecraft that interact with other players, eg. creepers, zombies, horses and villagers.
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