Online Safety Update: ‘The Game’ on Roblox


WARNING: This article contains descriptions of self-harm and suicide. Discretion is advised. We have received reports of a viral post circulating on social media about an alleged self-harm ‘game’ being shared on popular gaming platform Roblox. Known as ‘The Game’, the post claims that

Online Safety Update: ‘The Game’ on Roblox2024-04-05T09:49:47+01:00

What is Virtual Reality?


Over the last two years, there has been a surge in UK households using virtual reality. While it may seem like science fiction, virtual reality (VR) is becoming more popular every day, especially with children and young people. Quick Stats Research predicts the next generation will

What is Virtual Reality?2024-04-05T09:49:47+01:00

Social Media News, New research and Digital Resolutions


Read the script below Hello and welcome to the very first Safeguarding Soundbites of 2023 - I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and from all of us here at INEQE Safeguarding Group, Happy New Year! As we pack away the tinsel and finish off the mince

Social Media News, New research and Digital Resolutions2024-04-05T09:49:48+01:00

Christmas Tech Top Tips and Safeguarding News


Read the script below Hello and welcome to our festive edition of Safeguarding Soundbites. I’m Colin Stitt, Head of Safer Schools at Ineqe Safeguarding Group and as always, I’ll be talking about the latest in safeguarding news and in this Christmas-special episode, how you can help safeguard

Christmas Tech Top Tips and Safeguarding News2024-04-05T09:49:48+01:00

Parents’ Guide to Gifting Tech


When you gift a device that can access the internet, you’re not just gifting the device itself: you’re giving a portal to the entire online world. And while that includes all the fun bits, like chatting with friends and finding new favourite games, it also comes with a whole host of

Parents’ Guide to Gifting Tech2024-04-05T09:49:49+01:00

Twitter Moderation, Facebook Dating and Safeguarding News


Read the script below Hello and welcome back to Safeguarding Soundbites – the podcast that sums up the week’s safeguarding news. This week, we’re talking about social media news, shocking new research figures and more. In the news this week, Twitter continues to make headlines with questions

Twitter Moderation, Facebook Dating and Safeguarding News2024-04-05T09:49:49+01:00

The Online Safety Bill, TikTok Now and Safeguarding News


Read the script below Hello and welcome back to Safeguarding Soundbites, where we can almost hear the sleigh bells ringing! That’s right, it’s officially December! As we try to wrap our heads around that, let’s hear what INEQE’s online safeguarding experts have been talking about, plus catch

The Online Safety Bill, TikTok Now and Safeguarding News2024-04-05T09:49:49+01:00

Phone to Phone Filesharing in Schools: The Risks of AirDrop and Nearby Share


What is AirDrop? AirDrop is a feature available on iPhones and Mac computers (iOS 7, iPadOS 13, OS X 10.10, or later required). It lets physically close Mac and iOS devices share files, photos, websites etc. There are no size limits on files. It uses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to

Phone to Phone Filesharing in Schools: The Risks of AirDrop and Nearby Share2024-04-05T09:49:51+01:00

Safeguarding Alert: Livestreaming of explicit sexual content on Twitch


This Safeguarding Alert has been published to support parents, carers and safeguarding professionals in protecting children and young people in their care from exposure to explicit sexual content online. What should I do? If your child is a Twitch, Reddit or TikTok user remain calm. They may

Safeguarding Alert: Livestreaming of explicit sexual content on Twitch2024-04-05T09:49:52+01:00

Prevent Duty Update 2022


The Department for Education has updated its statutory guidance ‘Prevent duty: an introduction for those with safeguarding responsibilities’, and the corresponding self-assessment tool for schools. The Prevent duty guidance is aimed at those with safeguarding responsibilities in education settings within England. It outlines statutory duties regarding the prevention of extremist ideologies

Prevent Duty Update 20222022-10-20T15:22:57+01:00

Challenging Victim Blaming Language and Behaviours


The UK Council for Internet Safety (UKCIS) have published guidance for professionals on how to challenge victim blaming language and behaviours when dealing with the online experiences of children and young people. The guidance is aimed at professionals in educational settings working with children and young people, in order to help

Challenging Victim Blaming Language and Behaviours2022-10-12T16:01:20+01:00

Ofcom Report 2022- What You Need to Know


Communications regulator Ofcom has released its latest Media Use and Attitudes Report 2022 looking at the recent online trends and attitudes of children and parents across the UK. The report provides a clear snapshot of parents, children, and young people’s current media habits that can help us understand the emerging trends,

Ofcom Report 2022- What You Need to Know2023-05-09T12:25:21+01:00

Young People & Gambling in Gaming


According to the Children’s Commissioner, 93% of UK children regularly play video games. With constant competition from other games, social media, and streaming sites, the challenge to stay engaging is a daily one for any gaming platform. This has led to the rise of gambling in gaming

Young People & Gambling in Gaming2022-04-08T15:20:57+01:00

Your Guide to the Online Safety Bill


You may have heard about the Online Safety Bill – and if you haven’t, it’s likely you soon will!  The Online Safety Bill marks one of the biggest planned changes to date in the way online tech companies are held responsible for content that appears on their platforms. It’s specifically

Your Guide to the Online Safety Bill2022-11-24T13:05:22+00:00

How to Talk to Children with Autism about Cyberbullying


Research shows that disabled youth, especially those with autism, are at increased risk for bullying compared to their neurotypical peers. At Ineqe Safeguarding Group, we believe that all young people should have safe and equal access to the digital world. Social media and the online world can be a difficult place

How to Talk to Children with Autism about Cyberbullying2022-11-24T13:05:23+00:00

What is Rocket League?


While you might have fond memories of videogames like Mario Kart and Sonic the Hedgehog, children and young people today will probably be more familiar with games like Rocket League. This free online game can be played on almost any console – no wonder it has

What is Rocket League?2022-04-07T13:09:10+01:00

Making the Internet a Safer Place – For Everyone


This blog is about Assistive Technology and how it can be used to include children with additional needs in digital spaces. Our Makaton video will enable children to build a trusted team of adults who they can rely on for help, support and guidance. INEQE Safeguarding Group values an online

Making the Internet a Safer Place – For Everyone2022-11-24T13:05:25+00:00

Young Carers and Isolation


The lifestyle of being a carer is often a lonely one and for young carers any isolation can be tough to cope with. In honour of Young Carers Action Day 2022, here’s our guide on how to spot, support and stand with the young carers in your

Young Carers and Isolation2023-09-26T14:33:17+01:00

Talking to Your Child About the War in Ukraine


As a global community, we have faced a turbulent few years, ruled chiefly by the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions it brought. Now as we enter Spring 2022, the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine has taken over media attention and national concern. We live in a time

Talking to Your Child About the War in Ukraine2023-09-26T12:28:22+01:00
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