This is why your connection may be slow, right now!


A lot of us are spending more time at home at the moment, practicing what is now known as social or physical distancing from others. Like everyone else, you’re probably using the internet much more than you usually do and for longer periods of time. So, you are probably experiencing

This is why your connection may be slow, right now!2020-04-14T11:13:38+01:00

Animation & Story Book Explains the Coronavirus to Children


As the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic develops further young people in your care will begin studying at home. The virus has brought monumental change to how we teach and care for children and young people. The virus presents a particular challenge for a lot of younger children

Animation & Story Book Explains the Coronavirus to Children2021-02-11T17:22:30+00:00

5 Ways you can support young people with home study


As the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic develops further young people in your care will begin studying at home. This is a massive change to their standard routine (and yours). Independent home study might present a challenge for a lot of young people as they adapt to new forms of learning. We’ve talked to the

5 Ways you can support young people with home study2020-04-14T11:13:55+01:00

Safeguarding Alert: YOME LIVE


Safeguarding Alert A dangerous new App has come onto our radar, posing risks to children and young people – we’ve chosen not to reveal the App’s name to avoid driving traffic to the platform. Do you receive our Safeguarding Alerts?

Safeguarding Alert: YOME LIVE2021-12-09T15:48:57+00:00
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